August 9, 2012 § Leave a comment

Perhaps you want to start a new business because the job or business you are coming from has lost its fervor, which in turn means you probably lost your focus and challenge. That, of course, would mean you have little chance — if any — to be passionate about what you do.

So you are thinking about starting a new business, which is OK. Just be sure that the business you choose does not leave you in the same position you were in before — void of passion. No, you must be sure the business you choose will drive you to have a passion for success — a passion to achieve — not only for yourself, but also for the customers you and your business serve.

Know what success means to you. By defining what success means to you, you will discover the foundation of your passion and its meaning.

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Tips To Leverage Your Expertise As A Female Entrepreneur

May 20, 2012 § 3 Comments

Successful female entrepreneurs understand the necessity to develop multiple streams of income today. The first step to financial freedom is the ability to create a passive income, and to achieve this, it is their ideas and their expertise which they trade, not just their time.

Women who choose to become an entrepreneur, establishing a fully fledged or smaller home based business, and even those in the corporate world can now turn their passions into profitable income streams.

So, how do you create an active income using your expertise?

For those solo professionals in the service industry, an active income can be achieved in a number of ways including conducting seminars and workshops, public speaking, and services such as consulting and coaching. In other words, your income is earned in exchange for your time. As long as you are ‘face to face’ or one-on-one with your customers, you have the ability to earn. Mother nature ensures that there will only ever be 24 hours in each day, therefore a ceiling is created on the amount of active income one can earn as it is relative to the input of hours at work.

Were you aware that you can also earn passive sources of income?

Fortunately, it is now so much easier to earn additional income passively. These avenues include licensing and selling your products and programs, reports, assessments and even selling someone else’s products or services, otherwise known as affiliate marketing. All these avenues may still utilise  your expertise however and they give you the ability to create enormously profitable income streams without the need to trade your valuable time.

In other words, you have the ability to earn ‘while you sleep’.

Therefore, it is important to take a check of your life, and ensure that you continue to create wealth by freeing up more of your time and switching to ways where your income is earned from more passive sources.

We, as female entrepreurs know too well the feeling of being trapped in our business, not having enough time to take care of our career, our families, friends and still find time for ourselves.

With all the tools and resources available to female entrepreneurs today, it has become easier to redesign your business around your preferred lifestyle, freeing yourself from working in your business, and instead working ‘on’  the business. The perfect scenario is to work less, earn more and live your life on your terms.

Did you know that due to the popularity of the internet and especially the web2.0 marketplace, the most successful way to leverage your expertise into an extremely profitable business is turning your expertise or what you know into products and programs. In other words, you must create information products.

Information products will enable you to create instant passive income. With the right systems in place, your business can run on auto-pilot, being fully automated to let the money continually roll in even while you sleep. For your business to be automated, you will need the right technology, systems and support.

But where do you start? It all sounds easier than it is, right? As long as you have the desire to succeed as a female entrepreneur or a solo professional in business, it is important to position yourself in your micro-niche as an expert, then use your expertise to create your own information products to teach others what you know and help them solve their problems.

The following 7 hot tips will show how you, a successful female entrepreneur, the steps to model your business around your expertise, put your business on auto-pilot and create a lucrative passive income by leveraging your time, earning more whilst working less and live the lifestyle you desire.

1. The first tip is to establish yourself as an expert. Use the internet to brand yourself and become known as the expert in your niche around the globe. This will raise your profile, and have others seeking your lead and your expertise. Because you are ‘the expert’, others will not only want to provide you with an active income through one on one leadership, but will be more apt to purchase your products and programs resulting in a great passive income and freeing up more of your time.

2. Design your passive income marketing funnel The marketing funnel is a process whereby you establish trust with your many prospects in the beginning by offering free reports, newsletters, audios, videos or similar. Allow them to ‘taste’ what you offer with little or no risk or cost to them.

This process allows your prospects to become potential clients as they may move down the funnel where you offer higher priced products or services. As they progress down the funnel, it becomes easier to sell your high end services as by now they fully trust and believe what you have to offer will be of certain benefit to them.

Don’t make the mistake of trying to sell your high end products initially. This will more than often result in losing the prospect before you have a chance to let them know who you are or what your expertise can provide.

3. Learn the skills and info-preneur strategies to create passive income Multiply your profits by creating information products with what you know and use the power of the internet to create instant passive income. Look around and see the many different ways you can package your information and sell it online. Learn about content development to leverage the content you already have from your presentations, articles and workshops. Learn marketing strategies such as article marketing, web 2.0 marketing, affiliate marketing, social networking, blogging and pay per click advertising to determine which tactics are right for you and your business.

4. Nurture your creativity Both creativity and innovation are key to thinking about new ideas and what you can do for the future of your business. It is important to block some time out in your week specifically for creative right-brain, intuitive thinking. It is during these quiet times that you will get your inspiration. Sadly, when you are constantly busy, you have neither the time or energy to come up with new ideas for writing or creating programs. And how can you create a passive income stream if you don’t have the products?

5. Use systems and automate The key to leveraging your time and expertise is the use of systems. Install a system for every function in your business to make sure that you do one thing only once, and then it should be either delegated or automated to be done in future. Systems and automation can be set up for such procedures as getting client referrals, for contact management, for delivering your newsletter, recording sales, taking payments, for your record-keeping, for marketing, conferencing, teleseminars and for product development.

It is true that everything you do in your business can and should be made into a system. Reduce the day to day tasks that zap your energy and inhibit your creativity by leveraging the power of technology and the internet.

6. Delegate Your business will plateau or even stagnate if you try to do everything yourself. Although often difficult in the beginning, it is important that you learn to delegate. Surround yourself with a great team to support and help you create your highly profitable business. Outsourcing has become a popular exercise where you can delegate those tasks you either don’t like to doing or those that take you away from doing what you are good at. Try to concentrate on the tasks that ‘earn you the money’.

7. Seek a mentor and support In order to grow yourself and your business, to make more money and be as successful as your vision, you will need to seek the support of a mastermind group or a coach/mentor to motivate and drive you. Too often, female entrepreneurs are coaches themselves, and feel that this support is unnecessary. Oftentimes when their businesses are in the early stages, finances are continually being spread over to other areas and this important mentoring is ignored. Remember, even the very successful multi-millionaires continually use mentors to maintain their businesses on the cycle of success.

Finally, use collaboration with others and joint ventures to leverage your expertise. As long as you have a purpose and passion for your business, your success will continue and keep growing with your contributions and your followers.

Have a think about your business. Are you trying to do everything yourself? Are you giving yourself time to be creative? Are you making use of strategies and resources of experts that have done it before? Or perhaps you are continually trying to re-invent the wheel.

Fast track your journey and leverage your expertise to be the successful female entrepreneur that you desire to be.


Get Inexpensive Deals On Wedding Dresses Online

April 21, 2012 § Leave a comment

Author: Aden Tyler

If you are getting married soon then you have to go through a lot of shopping and arrangements. Marriage is the single biggest event of your personal life and it brings with a lot of tasks and responsibilities. You have to manage a whole lot of things on your own and there are a lot of ceremonies to be attended too. One process which takes a lot of time in getting over is picking the wedding dress and getting it fixed according to your measurements. Read on to find out how you can shorten the process.

When it comes to shopping wedding dresses you can either go the traditional way or you can go online. The traditional way is all about buying a dress from a store and getting it fixed or getting it stitched from the scratch at a boutique. Both of these ways take a lot of time and you also have to be present physically when it comes to checking how well the dress fits on you. If you have enough time and patience then it is advised that you with this way of buying a wedding dress otherwise shopping online is the only alternative you can go for.

There are different websites that can help you buy cheap wedding dresses. As most of the brides do not want to invest much on the wedding day dress it is smart for one to buy an inexpensive dress from an online site. There are various benefits of shopping online. First you can shop at any time of the day especially when it becomes difficult for you to shop the regular way due to irregular working hours. Second, you can shop almost all the dresses at one site including the mothers of the bride dresses.

The other benefit of shopping cheap wedding dresses online is that you can shop from any location too and do that from your home or office. Once you have placed an order your dress is then sent to the location of your choice and you receive it the way you had ordered it. All you need to do is send your measurements and the dress is stitched accordingly. So when it comes to shopping wedding dress for yourself or picking the mothers of the bride dresses online stores are of extreme help and you can sure trust them with your order of a wedding dress too.



What Men Are Thinking – What Men Want To Know About Women – Redbook

April 11, 2012 § Leave a comment

What Men Are Thinking – What Men Want To Know About Women – Redbook.

Shopping news for the free stuffs online

April 6, 2012 § 2 Comments

Author: Napier Joli

People love getting free stuff, though more often than not, the kind of free stuff which they get is pretty much useless. What if you could actually choose what you win? Sounds interesting, doesn’t it? In shop news, incredibly innovative market research technique, you, the consumer, stand to gain an assortment of free goodies.

Don’t worry, you do not have to necessarily complete tedious tasks, answer difficult questions, get referrals, or purchase items. That is the beauty of these new websites, which can be accessed from anywhere and at any time of the day to win a lot of freebies. Search online for such sites, put in a few personal details to create an account, and you stand a chance of getting free stuff from today itself!

How does it work? Of course, you can the answer from shopping talks online. The answer is pretty simple. You have to use the services on the website. You are being rewarded with free gifts in return for utilization of facilities provided on the website!

For instance, most of us love watching videos online. You can choose the video according to your likes and dislikes. Some of these websites have thousands of videos, which are neatly categorized into channels. One thing to keep in mind is that you earn free stuff for watching these videos till the end. Hence, there is no point in trying to fool the website by randomly switching between videos. Apart from the fact that you’ll find videos related to your field of interest, the prospect of getting free stuff is more than enough to make it worth your while.

By going through shopping news another way of getting free stuff is by applying for special offers, which are showcased on the website. These are special no obligation offers, which will never ask for your credit card or payment details while creating your account. All you need to do is give your name and email id. Although it is unlikely, but if you are afraid of being spammed, you can create a new email id specially for getting free stuff. After all, even email ids are free, right?

Once you have availed a few of these services, you start earning virtual money. Also known as reward points or digital dollars, this virtual money can then be redeemed at the website’s online store to buy fabulous items. On the other hand, you can even use this money to enter sweepstakes and win even bigger prices.

The best part about the major players in these types of schemes is that they help you in getting free stuff even when you are on the go. Some of these websites have android Smart phone based applications, which have all the features of the web version. In fact, sometimes the apps have even more features than the web version. So what are you waiting for? Find a site which you like and start getting free stuff!

Social Network – Blog View – The Girly Spot(15)

March 15, 2012 § Leave a comment

Social Network – Blog View – The Girly Spot(15).

Health and Beauty Benefits of Green Tea | Health and Beauty Tips

March 15, 2012 § 2 Comments

Health and Beauty Benefits of Green Tea | Health and Beauty Tips.

Skin Care Products and Supplements

March 12, 2012 § 13 Comments

Skin Care Products and Supplements

Author: Verz Design

Turn back your skin clock and defy aging with anti-aging skin care Products that provide life to your dry skin! Get back your youth with these anti-aging skin care Products that is an all natural, no Cosmetic surgery and painless procedure to regain your eternal beauty! Anti-aging Products dramatically improve how you look by nourishing you from inside out! Anti-aging skin care Products will drastically change the way you look and feel! Look and feel young and fabulous forever with anti-aging skin care Products!

You can very well stall the process of ageing for a few more years with anti-aging skin care Products and enjoy the thrills and excitement of youthful life full of energy and vitality! Don’t let those fine lines bog you down!

How anti-aging skin care Products rejuvenate your dull and dry skin?

Dry skin is extremely prone to pre-mature ageing! Want to know the 3 key factors that cause dryness of skin? Here they are mainly accumulation of toxin in the skin, dearth of water within the skin and inadequate oil/sebum secretion from the sebaceous glands! All these factors coercively dry out your skin and then you discover the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines that drives you nuts!

So those of you with dry and stretched skin start pampering your skin with lots and lots of hydrating skin care products and anti-aging skin care Products that will help your parched and lifeless skin regain moisture and exude that healthy and youthful glow! You are able to detoxify your skin and maintain a healthy and youthful glow with anti-aging skin care Products! Anti-aging skin care Products will rectify the health of your internal system as well as take proper care of your sensitive and wrinkle-prone dry skin! Anti-aging skin care Products usually contain active anti-aging components that support the body’s natural ability to help remove age spots, free radicals and chemical toxins that impede healthy skin, help improve skin elasticity and suppleness, help reduce skin wrinkling and sagging. Anti-aging skin care Products works in complete synchronization with the body, complementing and supplying the necessary anti-aging nutritive requirements that the skin needs to remove wastes and repair itself, allowing it to maintain its elasticity and reduce the possibility of premature aging.

What are anti- aging skin care Products usually composed of?

Want to play hide and seek with your age? Why not? How about trying out the variety of anti-aging skin care Products that are now available to help you combat dry skin related anti-aging problems! Most of the anti-aging skin care Products contain a mixed bag of natural ingredients that help to revitalize your dry skin and provide the necessary moisture to firm up and tone up your skin texture! Anti-aging skin care Products are diet Products that you are recommended to take in addition to your daily nutrition! Anti-aging skin care Product contain a mixture of herbs; minerals and vitamins that are essential to slow the aging of your dry and dull skin and retain its youthfulness forever! Some of the most common ingredients that constitute these anti-aging skin care Products are as follows:

Vitamins A, C, E and D; biotin, choline, inositol; calcium, copper, iodine, zinc, phosphorous; hyaluronic acid; Gingko biloba, Siberian ginseng, lecithin, DNA, RNA, anti-oxidants, protein, fiber, essential fatty acids, food grade collagen, amino acids and many other such active anti-aging ingredients!
Anti-aging Products are totally natural and have no side effects unless you take an overdose of them!

Designer Perfume: Create Your Mood

March 10, 2012 § 5 Comments

Perfumes have been with us for centuries, even before makeup arrived. But unlike makeup, perfumes are not limited to the female sex. Men, tough, brusque or not, enjoy this little vanity without any guilt. In fact, for some men, a scent does not just give the impression of what mood he is in, but also how much he earns.

People say that scent is everything. Perfume makers have always known that insects, animals and humans, release minute amounts of fragrances and odors called pheromones that could either serve as a defense, attack, or mating mechanism. This is the reason why an assortment of perfumes is available in the market that promises a particular effect. Certain fragrances can cause a woman to feel more feminine and soft or strong and in-control or fresh and vibrant. Mens line of fragrances, on the other hand, can create moods of inner strength, outdoor fun, and romance.

Because of the presence of need, perfume makers brought to the world designer perfumes. A designer perfume can either offer a perfume user the chance to display a particular mood, to exude the persona of a particular celebrity, or just bask in the image advertised by the designer perfume brand. A designer perfume, even it costs a fortune per ounce, became one of the fastest selling product under the cosmetics range due to the birth of mass media advertising. During the 1930s, the first designer perfume was created; the distinction belongs to the designer perfume Schocking for Schiaparelli.

A designer perfume aims at creating a distinct identity for its wearers. This identity is not limited to masculine and feminine fragrances. A designer perfume promises more complex identity packages such as exuding power, charisma, and appeal. Most designer perfume commercials on the billboard and the television impress upon the public that a certain line of fragrances can draw the difference between a normal or mediocre person and the interesting.

A designer perfume is sometimes named after a celebrity or a known figure in the society. An athlete is likely to endorse a sporty perfume, usually in cologne, that has a citrus, lime or dew as base, while a famous actor for an evening perfume with a hint of leather and musk, a bit woodsy, or some balsamic note.

To create the mood that you want, it is better to test a perfume on your wrists than to rely on the promises of its advertising. A certain designer perfume may smell sweet on your best friend but it may not smell the same on you. Your natural scent, body temperature and activity are factors that may affect the scent of a fragrance on the long haul.

Choosing A Wedding Dress

March 9, 2012 § 1 Comment

Asides from having a baby, getting married is surely the biggest and most significant moment of a woman’s life. Every woman dreams of the moment she meets Mr. Right, how her life with Mr. Right will be and also her wedding day. There are many, many factors involved with weddings. From the time of the year to get married, to registry offices, churches, traditional or custom ceremonies, reception do’s, catering services, guest invitations, travel arrangements, cake decoration, the all important rings, and finally and perhaps most important for the bride to be, the wedding dress.

Every girl has dreamed of how she may look in a wedding dress, and may not wish to deviate too far from her dream wedding dress, although sometimes finding the exact sort of dress can be a nightmare. For instance, many off the shelf wedding dresses may not be in the correct size or be fully alterable to the correct specifications, and wedding dresses which are custom made can be astronomical in cost.

Wedding dresses come in many forms. The truth be told, some are outright ghastly, some are big and fancy, whilst some are more conservative and sleek. If one thing is for certain, there are wedding dresses for everybody.

While planning a wedding, whilst the ‘dream wedding’ and ‘dream dress’ and so forth may be engrained in the mind of the bride to be, in reality there must be room for compromise and change – it is highly unlikely a wedding can be planned with unwavering and uncompromising ideals. Some people are lucky and find the ideal wedding dress they have always wanted, whilst others may struggle to find a wedding dress which suits them or they feel is right for them. It is absolutely essential to try wedding dresses on so you know exactly how you will look, so it is advisable not to buy from catalogues but from shops.

A good and highly recommended starting point however is to buy a few wedding magazines or brochures which specialise in dresses. This way you can flick through, find which dresses you like and cut out the pictures and take them along to many of the wedding dress shops to see if there is anything similar or the same you may be able to try on.

Shop around. Don’t be afraid of trying every single wedding dress shop in your city and beyond, but don’t be too uncompromising if possible, and planning your wedding and the hunt for your wedding dress will be much less of a stress.

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